Conventions, Conventions, and More Conventions

Hey there, BEB faithful!

We're hard at work this month, and it all comes down to all the appearances we're putting in later this year at conventions! Get these dates on your calendars, and come by and say hello if all the times and places align!

First up, star BEB author Ginn Hale and heavy-hitting head editor Nicole Kimberling (excuse the fact that this sounds like a wrestling intro from GLOW, we've been loving the show) will be in Helsinki August 9th-13th for Worldcon. If you've never heard of Worldcon before and you're a science fiction fan, you're missing out! Worldcon is short of World Science Fiction Convention, and it happens somewhere different each year. This year, it's in Helsinki. Specifically in Messukeskus, the Helsinki Exhibition and Convention Centre.

Next up, Blind Eye Books will have a table at Geek Girl Con. You may have seen us there before—spoilers, it's because it's one of our favorite cons—and we'll definitely be there again this year. Especially if you're wearing cosplay from any of our books, DROP BY THE TABLE. We might have a special treat for you if you do. Geek Girl Con will go from September 30th through October 1st and will be held at The Conference Center in Seattle, WA.

And last but certainly not least, Ginn Hale and Nicole Kimberling will once again appear in Seattle for Read with Pride Northwest. As the Northwests biggest celebration of LGBTQIA romance, this is an event you won't want to miss! All events will be held at the Seattle Public Library from November 3rd-4th. Take this chance to meet some of your favorite authors, celebrate queer romance with other fans, and maybe even pick up a few new books!

See you next month, all. Perhaps literally if you're in Helsinki!

